Poll Dorset: 27 stud rams sold to $13,000, av $3324; 160 flock rams sold to $2000, av $1355. White Suffolk: 16 stud rams sold to $4750, av $2156, and 161 flock rams sold to $1800, av $1109.
LOYAL buyers from four states returned to buy all 364 Poll Dorset & White Suffolk stud and flock rams on offer at this year’s Kurralea Ram Sale, Ariah Park, NSW.
Grant and Bryce Hausler, Janmac Stud, Goroke, purchased the $13,000 Poll Dorset stud ram, which topped the sale.
The ram, Kurralea 150036 Twin, was by the $18,000 top-priced ram at the 2014 auction, & had LambPlan performance 15.5kg post weaning weight, -0.8 for Pfat, +1.1 for Pemd & a Carcase Plus index of 193, backed by superb structure and conformation.
Ian and Pam Kyle, Ashley Park, Bairnsdale, purchased the top-priced White Suffolk stud ram, at $4750, who had balanced figures & strong visual attributes.
Tom Groat, Conapaira White Suffolks, Rankin Springs, NSW, purchased three White Suffolk rams, at a top price of $4500, the second top-priced in the draft, and at an average of $2667.
Australian Food Ag, Deniliquin, NSW, purchased 80 Poll Dorsets and 66 White Suffolks, including 35 White Suffolks at just $800 each. Paraway Pastoral got 42 White Suffolks, including 11 rams at $800 each.
Ben Prentice, Kurralea, said he was grateful for buyers’ continued support, particularly after last year’s extraordinary sale result.
The sale was conducted by Elders Wagga, with GTSM.
Courtesy of Ian Turner, STOCK & LAND